Channel Global Forum Theme 3 : Green Economy / Économie Verte

:uk: Welcome to our discussion channel! This is an open and respectful discussion space on the theme "Collective and sustainable ‘green’ economy for the territories, food self-sufficiency and its governance" !

Thank you for joining our discussion channel and we look forward to hearing your views and participating in thoughtful discussions with you!

:clipperton_island: Bienvenue sur notre canal de discussion ! Il s’agit d’un espace de discussion ouvert et respectueux sur le thème "Économie verte territoriale, collective et durable, autosuffisance alimentaire et sa gouvernance" !

Nous vous remercions d’avoir rejoint notre canal de discussion et nous nous réjouissons d’entendre vos points de vue et de participer à des discussions réfléchies avec vous !

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Hi there, my name is Fafa SENE a PhD student at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. I will presenting on this session on the topic of sustainable agriculture. I really expect a lot of people to attend my presentation. I’m currently developing a market gardening project in the Commune of Medina Sabakh with the support of my university back in Japan. We’re using an academic approach to research the most effective ways in helping rural populations get out of poverty by developing agricultural practices that are more relevant to their environment and their needs. We hope to get many comments from the audience

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Thank you for sharing your exciting work on sustainable agriculture and the market gardening project. Your research approach in finding effective ways to help rural populations get out of poverty through more relevant agricultural practices is highly commendable. As an Agripreneur, I can’t wait to attend the event and I’m sure your presentation will attract a lot of interest and positive feedback. I wish you all the best in your endeavors and look forward to discouver more about your progress.

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Dear Mouhamed,
Thank you for the beautiful comments on my upcoming presentation. You’re such a great analyst. I’m sure I will get positive feedbacks, especially from experts in the domain, as you sound to be one of them.
I’d be more than happy to meet you and the rest of participants
Best regards

Mes meilleurs salutations à toutes les participantes et participants au Gsef!
Je profite de cette tribune pour partager l’annonce, faite à l’occasion de l’événement de la délégation du Québec mercredi en soirée, de la mise en œuvre du programme de financement des énergies vertes au Sénégal. Ce programme est le fruit d’une collaboration formelle entre le Fonds d’investissement solidaire international du Québec (FISIQ) et la Fondation Sen’Finances. Cette initiative sera présentée avec davantage de détails lors de l’atelier 5AT5 (Esplanade Centrale, Salle H), Outils de financement de l’agriculture et de la transition écologique et sociale qui aura lieu demain, samedi 6 mai, à 14 h.

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